We are a virtual organization serving Trinidad and Tobago and the globe with passion and purpose. We depend on like minded people to assist us in continuing with what we do. You can support by sponsoring here on our support page.
We are on a fund raising drive to raise 200,000.00 tt to finances our projects. Below are some options for you to sponsor to the cause.
Please make your generous contributions by purchasing one of our downloadable educational cd's. or click the sponsorship button to contribute as well.
Dr. Clarence Greene
Thank you in advance for your support.
We are on a fund raising drive to raise 200,000.00 tt to finances our projects. Below are some options for you to sponsor to the cause.
Please make your generous contributions by purchasing one of our downloadable educational cd's. or click the sponsorship button to contribute as well.
Dr. Clarence Greene
Thank you in advance for your support.
Ater making the purchase for the app, scrool down and click return to merchant. there you will find the url link to be downloaded on your Adriod smart device. Please follow the instruction s and ignore all warning. The app is very safe to be downloaded on your device.
We will upgrade to the Google play store in a few weeks.
We will upgrade to the Google play store in a few weeks.